The Department of Agricultural Engineering was started in 2008. The department offers four Under-Graduate courses totaling 8 credits for B. Sc (Ag) Programme.
The department offers courses related to Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Farm Machinery and Power, Renewable Energy and Green Technology, and Protected Cultivation and Postharvest Technologies.
Department deals with technological problems related to soil and water, water use, water conservation, water quality, soil conservation, and hydraulic grade stabilization. Farm operations, equipment, etc., pertaining to Agricultural College.
Students acquire knowledge about Surveying and Levellingequipments and skills in the preparation of contour maps, Soil and water conservation structures like farm ponds, open channel hydraulics, contour bunds, terraces, etc.
In Farm Machinery and Power, The students are exposed to different implements like Primary and secondary tillage implements and combined harvester, harrows, reapers, paddy transplanters, M B Plough, etc., and detailed study about working of a tractor, I.C. engine, etc.
In Protected Cultivationstudents acquire knowledge about the different types of greenhouses, suitability, and adaptability at different locations.
Under the Renewable energy sources (solar, wind, biomass, etc.,) different equipment and their applications in Agricultural and allied sectors will be studied.
The Non-conventional energy sources related to equipment solar water heaters, box-type solar cookers, Biogas generation, I. C. engine, windmills working with renewable energy, etc., will be explained.
Department Staff
Dr. D. Sai Gangadhara Rao
Assistant Professor & Head
Mobile: 8500087345
Specialization: Soil and Water Engineering